Searching for Patients Tips and Tricks

Duplicate patients are a headache for any office. The biggest cause of duplicate patients in patientNOW is not searching for the patient in a way that guarantees you can find it.

Search by Name

When entering a patient's name, do NOT enter the entire last name and first name. Try search by 2 to 3 digits in the last name and then 2 to 3 digits in the first name if necessary.

So if the patient's name is Stephen Dieckhoff, don't try to spell out the whole name. Just enter "Di" in last name to start. If there are too many options, enter "Ste" in the first name. This will insure that you do not misspell the name. If you enter "Steven" or "Dickhof", the patient will not pull up and you would create a duplicate.

Additional Searches

Sometimes you do not know the patient's whole name and have only a piece of information. You may also search by:

  • Former Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Address
  • Chart ID
  • City
  • Email Address
  • Internal ID
  • Invoice Number
  • Nick Name
  • Patient Id
  • Phone Number
  • Social Security Number
  • Zip Code